Fresh Beet Salad

Fresh Beet Salad
GF V veg
  • Serves: 8
  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time:
  • Total Time:

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6 cups torn mesculin mix, spinach or other salad greens
3 cups peeled, shredded raw beets
¼ cup minced chives
1 small can mandarin oranges
? cup raspberry vinaigrette
¼ cup chopped caramelized walnuts


Toss all ingredients together.  Serve with additional vinaigrette.  To make caramelized walnuts melt 1 tablesppoon butter or margarine in a small skillet, add  tablesppons brown sugar, and ¼ cup walnuts, stir until lightly browned.  

Additional recipes using Vegetables › Beets

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