New Farm Store at Perfetto Pastures Now Open
- Category: Local

The all NEW, Farm Store at Perfetto Pastures is OPEN! The Store offers all the wonderful, pasture-raised products from the farmers of Helder-Herdwyck Farm and Perfetto Pastures, the new owners of the farm property. Products from the farm include pasture grown Herdwick Lamb and Mutton, pasture produced eggs, free range duck eggs, quail eggs, chicken, turkeys as well home-made salves and lip balms, home-made laundry soap and wool yarns and other products from the flock of Herdwick sheep.
But it's even better! The farm store also carries products from other local farms to make this a one-stop-shopping experience. Farm fresh cream top milk, chocolate milk, half and half and heavy cream. Maple products, honey, handmade soap, locally made cutting and charcuterie boards.
Come shopping and Buy Local, 450 Long Road, East Berne, NY 12059.
The Store is open Friday 4 to 7, Saturday 1 to 5 and Monday 9 to 12 or by appointment.